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Mar 5, 2016
The 10 Laws of Injury Prevention
Check out this great article by Amby Burfoot from the Runner's World website: Follow these time-tested principles and you'll spend more...
Feb 11, 2016
Six tips to master hill running
We found this excellent article on Map My Fitness about hill running. Enjoy! Depending on your current level of masochism, running up and...
Feb 1, 2016
Article: Running in the dark
Extra precautions are needed when running in the dark. A few essential items such as light and reflective clothing will keep you running...
Jan 5, 2016
Article: Running tips for beginners
Running is free, you can do it anywhere, and it burns more calories than any other mainstream exercise. Regular running can reduce your...

Jun 18, 2015
Why You Might Not Lose Weight While Running...
We found the following article on the Runners Connect website and thought the Run To Be Community would find it a really thought...

Feb 10, 2015
Running Hills you either love them or hate them!
We found the following article on the Running4women website and thought it would make a good read for the RTB Community. So if you live...

Feb 10, 2015
The Run To Be how to keep running guide
We've all done it right? Gone out on a run full of the joys and then a few miles in feel like our legs are made of lead and that we want...

Dec 31, 2014
The Run To Be Community’s top 10 things every new runner should know…….
It’s the time of year when lots of people are thinking of taking up running, so here at Run To Be we thought we’d ask some of our...
Nov 1, 2014
Article: Running over 40
Special issues, and joys, face women runners over 40. Here, longtime marathoner and New York Road Runners editor Gordon Bakoulis, 43,...
Oct 30, 2014
Article: The best running shoes for beginner runners
There are several key factors new runners should take into consideration. Shoes, for example, are one of the most important tools to...
Oct 30, 2014
Articles: BUPA - Beginner 5km programme
This running programme is a great way to get you started if you are not a regular runner. It will help you increase your fitness even if...
Oct 29, 2014
Article: 10 things to know before your first 5K
You've signed up, you've logged the training miles and race day is almost here! Taking on your first 5K can be both an exciting and...
Oct 28, 2014
Article: How to return to running after injury, sickness or missing training
Following a training schedule rarely goes 100 percent according to plan. You’ll miss days thanks to your boss unloading a huge project on...
Oct 28, 2014
Article: 10 tips for running in the rain
Rainy weather doesn't mean you have to take your runs inside. And most races are notcancelled because of rain. So try these tips to make...
Oct 27, 2014
Article: Seven incredible benefits of beach running
The Running Bug’s Cornish correspondent Hollie Bone outlines her top seven benefits of beach running. 1. You burn 30 per cent more...
Oct 26, 2014
Article: 6 ways to make running more fun
Ever notice how the things you actually enjoy doing are the ones you tend to stick with for the long haul? We’re pretty obsessed with the...
Oct 22, 2014
Article: Keep running injuries away
This time of year, the number of runners on the road seems to increase exponentially. The weather is getting cooler, there is an...
Oct 21, 2014
Article: 4 ways to burn belly fat faster on your next run
You've been eating right and exercising for a while, but that stubborn belly fat just won't budge! Along with incorporating foods that...
Oct 18, 2014
Article: 7 running excuses you should stop making
When it comes to excuses, we've heard them all. But 99 percent of the time, there is a response to your excuse, one that will make you...
Oct 18, 2014
Article: Tips for running in the morning
Whenever I run in the morning, I always feel like I gained a couple of hours during the day. Research has actually shown that runners who...
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