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Mar 13, 2020
Glory Run on our 0-5k courses
WOW! What a finish to a most turbulent week. Our 0-5 courses finished today Friday 13th March and all our runners showed great strength...

Nov 25, 2019
One runner's inspirational story
​‘Running – you’re joking, right?’ Friends and family were astonished when I told them I was going to do the 0-5k beginners running...

Nov 12, 2019
Check out our latest 0-5k Graduates!
Our latest 0-5k courses graduated last week and saw over 60 runners make it to the magic 5k milestone and earn their RTB water bottles!...

Jun 20, 2019
Our latest 0-5k Graduates!
Meet our latest 0-5k graduates who received their medals as a reward for weeks of hard work and determination. At the start of these...

Apr 9, 2018
"It was very emotional as I couldn’t believe that I really had gone from 0-5k" - Laura Lou
I thought I'd share my story... I joined run to be in September 2016. I was very nervous and even though the advert said it was for...

Mar 5, 2018
"I’ve just finished my second 0-5k course with Run To Be" - Martin, London cabbie
I’m Martin, a 52 year old London licensed taxi driver. I generally eat the wrong things and because of my job, spend most of my life...

Mar 21, 2017
Congratulations to all our 0-5k runners who graduated this month
Our latest 0-5K runners have successfully completed their 5K run and here are some photos of their victorious moment. We take pride in...
Apr 2, 2016
Important Notice: Chingford 0-5k AM running course changes from Monday to Friday
Due to popular demand, we have changed the Chingford 0-5k AM running course back from Mondays to Fridays. The next Chingford AM course...
Mar 4, 2016
Testimonial - Loren Glover, 0-5k running course
Just completed the 0-5k and absolutely loved it, I would recommend it to anyone! Great coach and mentors, I never thought I'd see myself...
Mar 4, 2016
Testimonial - Caroline Fullbrook, 0-5k running course
Finished my 8 week 0-5k today and never thought it possible! Thoroughly recommend and will definitely keep running. 5 stars. Caroline...
Mar 4, 2016
Testimonial - Rosie Leigh Revan, 0-5k running course
I really loved this course - everyone was so supportive and the mentors were lovely. Would highly recommend. 5 stars. Rosie Leigh Revan,...
Mar 4, 2016
Testimonial - Karley J Smith, 0-5k running course
I personally couldn't run to the nearest bus stop before I joined run to be. Today only 8 weeks on I have accomplished 5km. The support...

Feb 19, 2016
Run To Be News: New Loughton 0-5k running course starting 20 April 2016
We are pleased to announce our next 0-5k course in Loughton, starting 20 April 2016. This will be an 8 week course aimed at people with...

Feb 18, 2016
Run To Be News: New Chingford PM 0-5k running course starting 21 April 2016
We are pleased to announce our next evening 0-5k course in Chingford, starting 21 April 2016. This will be an 8 week course aimed at...

Feb 17, 2016
Run To Be News: New Chingford AM 0-5k running course starting 18 April 2016
We are pleased to announce our next morning 0-5k course in Chingford, starting 18 April 2016. This will be an 8 week course aimed at...
Dec 1, 2015
Testimonial - Jez Gaia Sue Gnik, 0-5k running session
I started Run To Be during the summer as a non runner and I am now able to run 5k. It's an amazing group with so much support and...
Nov 29, 2015
Testimonial - Jennifer Devlin, 0-5k running course
Run To Be is just the best, Lovely friendly people, Anyone wanting to run can join the RTB Team. Everyone helps everyone; no one gets...
Oct 14, 2015
Testimonial - Claire Price, 0-5k running course
Fantastic community. I hadn't run since primary school and now run 2-3 times a week. 5 stars. Claire Price, via Facebook #05krunningcourse
Jun 10, 2015
Testimonial - Marita Keremezo, Chingford running courses
The ethos of Run To Be is one of inclusion for all and encouragement. I was very nervous about running and having done two of the courses...
May 6, 2015
Testimonial - Gill Hand, 0-5k running course
First time I have ever run for more than a bus tonight. Thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Such a fantastic group and so friendly. Felt...
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